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Dassiflu Antifree Fluid for Cooling Device 5 LT

Item # SCMLUB0736238634E
Mfr # 0736238634E
SCM Dassiflu Antifree Fluid for Cooling Device LT5 - Main Image
Freight: $45.00
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Product Details

Fluid suitable for Cooling Circuits

Product ith high quality, formulated with moder inhibiting of corrosion that guarantee a perfet cleaning of the circuit.
DASSIFLU 20 doesn't product foam, doesn't incrust, doesn't corrode, ha antifrees properties and is odourless. It is suitable for filling up cooling circuits for electrospindles. It is recommended, every year, to check the PH value that must be between about 8 and 9 and substitute every 2 or 3 years.
Product in conformitry with ASTM D-1284-65T rules.

Appearance: Blue liquid
Odour: None
PH: 8 at 20°C
Specific Gravity at 20°C: 1,010
Flammability point: More than 100°C
Symbol of Dangerour: None
ADR: Not requested
Compososition (Acc. CEE 89/542): Glycol monoethylene 15-25%m inhibiting of corrosion, colour (colour index 42090)
Boiling Point: 1.1013 bar):    105°C 
